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New signing of Fibus in January 2024

Fibus also knows how to do "spot" financing! This type of contract allows for the release of punctual financing:

  • It provides financial departments with a credit line immediately and rapidly; very useful before the closing of accounts, it enhances the company's financial ratios (the assignment of receivables is done "without recourse");

  • Like factoring, this type of contract is based on the purchase of commercial receivables, but it is implemented only in cases of specific needs (in factoring, contracts typically last an average of 3 years).

This project enabled our client, a French digital transformation consulting company, to benefit from a 7 million euros financing line "deconsolidating French GAAP," just days before the end of its fiscal year.

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"Spot" financing contract Deconsolidation - French GAAP
  • Facility : a €7M receivables "spot" financing
Digital transformation
  • Improve financial ratios before closing
  • Benefit from a very short-term cash line
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